Veruska Muccione
Senior scientist
University of Zurich
My current research is on climate impacts, risks and adaptation in mountain areas. I have participated in and led a number of national and international projects at the intersection between research, policy and practice. I contributed to the development of capacity building programmes and teaching curricula for early careers. Previously to this I coordinated a university research programme on global change and biodiversity and worked for various NGOs and for the reinsurance sector. I have served as reviewer for a number of journals and as expert evaluator for the European Commission Horizon2020 Programme. I am the point of contact at the UZH for the United Nation Academic Impact (UNAI) SDG 13 Hub and together with Christian Huggel for the International Universities Climate Alliance. I am lead author in the IPCC 6th Assessment Report Working Group II chapter “Europe” and cross-chapter “Mountains”.
Research interests
- Climate impacts and risks
- Climate change adaptation and decision making
- Transdisciplinary approaches in research and teaching
- Geographic focus: Europe, Central Asia and South Asia