
160 entries « 3 of 4 »

Journal Articles


Schaub, Y; Huggel, C; Cochachin, A

Ice-avalanche scenario elaboration and uncertainty propagation in numerical simulation of rock-/ice-avalanche-induced impact waves at Mount Hualcán and Lake 513, Peru Journal Article

In: Landslides, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 1445-1459, 2016, (cited By 12).

Abstract | Links | Tags:


Emmer, A; Vilímek, V; Huggel, C; Klimeš, J; Schaub, Y

Limits and challenges to compiling and developing a database of glacial lake outburst floods Journal Article

In: Landslides, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 1579-1584, 2016, (cited By 16).

Abstract | Links | Tags:


Haeberli, W; Buetler, M; Huggel, C; Friedli, T L; Schaub, Y; Schleiss, A J

New lakes in deglaciating high-mountain regions – opportunities and risks Journal Article

In: Climatic Change, vol. 139, no. 2, pp. 201-214, 2016, (cited By 23).

Abstract | Links | Tags:


Huggel, C; Wallimann-Helmer, I; Stone, D; Cramer, W

Reconciling justice and attribution research to advance climate policy Journal Article

In: Nature Climate Change, vol. 6, no. 10, pp. 901-908, 2016, (cited By 24).

Abstract | Links | Tags:


Schwanghart, W; Worni, R; Huggel, C; Stoffel, M; Korup, O

Uncertainty in the Himalayan energy-water nexus: Estimating regional exposure to glacial lake outburst floods Journal Article

In: Environmental Research Letters, vol. 11, no. 7, 2016, (cited By 28).

Abstract | Links | Tags:


Hansen, G; Stone, D; Auffhammer, M; Huggel, C; Cramer, W

Linking local impacts to changes in climate: a guide to attribution Journal Article

In: Regional Environmental Change, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 527-541, 2016, (cited By 9).

Abstract | Links | Tags:


Viani, C; Giardino, M; Huggel, C; Perotti, L; Mortara, G

An overview of glacier lakes in the Western Italian Alps from 1927 to 2014 based on multiple data sources (historical maps, orthophotos and reports of the glaciological surveys) Journal Article

In: Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 203-214, 2016, (cited By 3).

Abstract | Links | Tags:


Schauwecker, S; Rohrer, M; Schwarb, M; Huggel, C; Dimri, A P; Salzmann, N

Estimation of snowfall limit for the Kashmir Valley, Indian Himalayas, with TRMM PR Bright Band information Journal Article

In: Meteorologische Zeitschrift, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 501-509, 2016, (cited By 4).

Abstract | Links | Tags:


Frey, Holger; Huggel, Christian; Bühler, Yves; Buis, Daniel; Burga, Maria Dulce; Choquevilca, Walter; Fernandez, Felipe; Hernández, Javier Garc'ia; Giráldez, Claudia; Loarte, Edwin; Masias, Paul; Portocarrero, Cesar; na, Luis Vicu; Walser, Marco

A robust debris-flow and GLOF risk management strategy for a data-scarce catchment in Santa Teresa, Peru Journal Article

In: Landslides, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 1493–1507, 2016, (cited By 10).

Abstract | Links | Tags:


Linsbauer, A; Frey, H; Haeberli, W; Machguth, H; Azam, M F; Allen, S

Modelling glacier-bed overdeepenings and possible future lakes for the glaciers in the Himalaya--Karakoram region Journal Article

In: Annals of Glaciology, vol. 57, no. 71, pp. 119–130, 2016.

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Allen, S K; Rastner, P; Arora, M; Huggel, C; Stoffel, M

Lake outburst and debris flow disaster at Kedarnath, June 2013: hydrometeorological triggering and topographic predisposition Journal Article

In: Landslides, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 1479-1491, 2016, (cited By 57).

Abstract | Links | Tags:


Allen, S K; Fiddes, J; Linsbauer, A; Randhawa, S S; Saklani, B; Salzmann, N

Permafrost studies in Kullu District, Himachal Pradesh Journal Article

In: Current Science, vol. 11, pp. 257–260, 2016.



Cox, S C; McSaveney, M J; Spencer, J; Allen, S K; Ashraf, S; Hancox, G T; Sirguey, P; Salichon, J; Ferris, B G

Rock avalanche on 14 July 2014 from Hillary Ridge, Aoraki/Mount Cook, New Zealand Journal Article

In: Landslides, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 395–402, 2015, ISSN: 1612-510X.

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Kumar, P; Kotlarski, S; Moseley, C; Sieck, K; Frey, H; Stoffel, M; Jacob, D

Response of Karakoram-Himalayan glaciers to climate variability and climatic change: A regional climate model assessment Journal Article

In: Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 42, pp. 1–8, 2015.

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Drenkhan, Fabian; Carey, Mark; Huggel, Christian; Seidel, Jochen; Oré, María Teresa

The changing water cycle: climatic and socioeconomic drivers of water-related changes in the Andes of Peru Journal Article

In: Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 715–733, 2015, ISSN: 20491948.

Abstract | Links | Tags:


Molina, Edwin; Schauwecker, Simone; Huggel, Christian; Haeberli, Wilfried; Cochachin, Alejo; Condom, Thomas; Drenkhan, Fabian; Giraldez, Claudia; Salzmann, Nadine; Jiménez, L; Montoya, Nilton; Rado, Maxwell; Chaparro, Nnicacio; Samata, J; Suarez, Wilson; Sikos, Felipe

Iniciación de un monitoreo del balance de masa en el glaciar Suyuparina, Cordillera Vilcanota, Perú Journal Article

In: Climate Change in the Tropical Andes, vol. 2, pp. 1–14, 2015.



Huggel, C; Stone, D; Eicken, H; Hansen, G

Potential and limitations of the attribution of climate change impacts for informing loss and damage discussions and policies Journal Article

In: Climatic Change, vol. 133, no. 3, pp. 453-467, 2015, (cited By 20).

Abstract | Links | Tags:


Roser, D; Huggel, C; Ohndorf, M; Wallimann-Helmer, I

Advancing the interdisciplinary dialogue on climate justice Journal Article

In: Climatic Change, vol. 133, no. 3, pp. 349-359, 2015, (cited By 5).

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Jurt, C; Burga, M D; Vicuña, L; Huggel, C; Orlove, B

Local perceptions in climate change debates: insights from case studies in the Alps and the Andes Journal Article

In: Climatic Change, vol. 133, no. 3, pp. 511-523, 2015, (cited By 18).

Abstract | Links | Tags:


Frank, F; McArdell, B W; Huggel, C; Vieli, A

The importance of entrainment and bulking on debris flow runout modeling: Examples from the Swiss Alps Journal Article

In: Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 2569-2583, 2015, (cited By 38).

Abstract | Links | Tags:


Neukom, R; Rohrer, M; Calanca, P; Salzmann, N; Huggel, C; Acuña, D; Christie, D A; Morales, M S

Facing unprecedented drying of the Central Andes? Precipitation variability over the period AD 1000-2100 Journal Article

In: Environmental Research Letters, vol. 10, no. 8, 2015, (cited By 32).

Abstract | Links | Tags:


Stähli, M; Sättele, M; Huggel, C; McArdell, B W; Lehmann, P; Herwijnen, A Van; Berne, A; Schleiss, M; Ferrari, A; Kos, A; Or, D; Springman, S M

Monitoring and prediction in early warning systems for rapid mass movements Journal Article

In: Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 905-917, 2015, (cited By 56).

Abstract | Links | Tags:


Huggel, C; Raissig, A; Rohrer, M; Romero, G; Diaz, A; Salzmann, N

How useful and reliable are disaster databases in the context of climate and global change? A comparative case study analysis in Peru Journal Article

In: Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 475-485, 2015, (cited By 22).

Abstract | Links | Tags:


Huggel, C; Scheel, M; Albrecht, F; Andres, N; Calanca, P; Jurt, C; Khabarov, N; Mira-Salama, D; Rohrer, M; Salzmann, N; Silva, Y; Silvestre, E; Vicuña, L; Zappa, M

A framework for the science contribution in climate adaptation: Experiences from science-policy processes in the Andes Journal Article

In: Environmental Science and Policy, vol. 47, pp. 80-94, 2015, (cited By 33).

Abstract | Links | Tags:


Schauwecker, S; Rohrer, M; Huggel, C; Kulkarni, A; Ramanathan, A L; Salzmann, N; Stoffel, M; Brock, B

Remotely sensed debris thickness mapping of Bara Shigri Glacier, Indian Himalaya Journal Article

In: Journal of Glaciology, vol. 61, no. 228, pp. 675-688, 2015, (cited By 27).

Abstract | Links | Tags:


Frey, H; Machguth, H; Huss, M; Huggel, C; Bajracharya, S; Bolch, T; Kulkarni, A; Linsbauer, A; Salzmann, N; Stoffel, M

Estimating the volume of glaciers in the Himalayan--Karakoram region using different methods Journal Article

In: The Cryosphere, vol. 8, pp. 2313–2333, 2014.

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Schauwecker, S; Rohrer, M; Acuna, D; Cochachin, A; Dávila, L; Frey, H; Giraldez, C; Gomez, J; Huggel, C; Jacques-Coper, M; Loarte, E; Salzmann, N; Vuille, M

Global and Planetary Change Journal Article

In: Global and Planetary Change, vol. 119, no. C, pp. 85–97, 2014.




Huggel, C; Allen, S; Dach, S W Von; Dimri, A P; Mal, S; Linbauer, A; Salzmann, N; Bolch, T

An integrative and joint approach to climate impacts, hydrological risks and adaptation in the indian himalayan region Book

2019, (cited By 0).

Abstract | Links | Tags:



Assessment of Glacier and Permafrost Hazards in Mountain Regions: Technical Guidance Document Book

Standing Group on Glacier and Permafrost Hazards in Mountains (GAPHAZ) of the International Association of Cryospheric Sciences (IACS) and the International Permafrost Association (IPA). Zurich, Switzerland / Lima, Peru, 2017.

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Frey, H; Huggel, C; Steinemann, M

The El Ni~no phenomenon and related impacts Book

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Bern, Switzerland, 2016.



Muccione, V; Daley, B

The role of ecosystem-based adaptation in the Swiss mountains Book

2016, ISBN: 9783319407739.

Abstract | Links | Tags: climate change, Disaster risk reduction, Ecosystem-based adaptation, Swiss mountains


Salzmann, N; Huggel, C; Nussbaumer, S U; Ziervogel, G

Setting the scene: Adapting to climate change - A large-scale challenge with local-scale impacts Book

2016, (cited By 2).

Abstract | Links | Tags:


Muñoz, R; Gonzales, C; Price, K; Rosario, A; Huggel, C; Frey, H; García, J; Cochachín, A; Portocarrero, C; Mesa, L

Managing glacier related risks disaster in the chucchún catchment, cordillera blanca, Peru Book

2016, (cited By 3).

Abstract | Links | Tags:


Allen, S K; Linsbauer, A; Huggel, C; Randhawa, S S; Schaub, Y; Stoffel, M

Current and future glacial lake outburst flood hazard: Application of GIS-based modeling in Himachal Pradesh, India Book

Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2016, (cited By 1).

Abstract | Links | Tags:


Carey, M; Huggel, C; Clague, J J; Kääb, A

Synthesis and conclusions:The future of high-mountain cryospheric research Book

2015, (cited By 2).

Abstract | Links | Tags:


Huggel, C; Carey, M; Clague, J J; Kääb, A

Introduction: Human–environment dynamics in the high–mountain cryosphere Book

2015, (cited By 4).

Abstract | Links | Tags:


Huggel, C; Carey, M; Clague, J J; Kääb, A

The high-mountain cryosphere: Environmental changes and human risks Book

2015, (cited By 6).

Abstract | Links | Tags:


Carey, M; McDowell, G; Huggel, C; Jackson, J; Portocarrero, C; Reynolds, J M; Vicuña, L

Integrated Approaches to Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in Dynamic Socio-cryospheric Systems Book

2015, (cited By 19).

Abstract | Links | Tags:


Harrison, W D; Osipova, G B; Nosenko, G A; Espizua, L; Kääb, A; Fischer, L; Huggel, C; Burns, P A Craw; Truffer, M; Lai, A W

Glacier Surges Book

2015, (cited By 11).

Abstract | Links | Tags:


Cramer, W; Yohe, G W; Auffhammer, M; Huggel, C; Molau, U; Dias, M A F Da Silva; Solow, A; Stone, D A; Tibig, L; Leemans, R; Seguin, B; Smith, N; Hansen, G

Detection and attribution of observed impacts Book

2015, (cited By 76).

Abstract | Links | Tags:

Book Chapters


Castellanos, E.; Lemos, M. F.; Astigarraga, L.; Chancón, N.; Cuvi, N.; Huggel, Christian; Miranda, L.; ValeM., Moncassim; Ometto, J. P.; Peri, P. L.; Postigo, Julio C; Ramajo, L.; Roco, L.; Rusticucci, M

Central and South America Book Chapter

In: Pörtner, H. -O.; Roberts, D. C.; Tignor, M.; Poloczanska, E. S.; Mintenbeck, K.; Alegría, A.; Craig, M.; Langsdorf, S.; Löschke, S.; Möller, V.; Okem, A.; Rama, B. (Ed.): Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, 2022.



O'Neill, B.; Aalst, M.; Ibrahim, Z. Zaiton; Ford, L. Berrang; Bhadwal, S.; Buhaug, H.; Diaz, D.; Frieler, K.; Garschagen, M.; Magnan, A.; Midgley, G.; Mirzabaev, A.; Thomas, A.; Warren, R.

Key Risks Across Sectors and Regions Book Chapter

In: Pörtner, H. -O.; Roberts, D. C.; Tignor, M.; Poloczanska, E. S.; Mintenbeck, K.; Alegría, A.; Craig, M.; Langsdorf, S.; Löschke, S.; Möller, V.; Okem, A.; Rama, B. (Ed.): Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, 2022.



Allen, Simon; Frey, Holger; Haeberli, Wilfried; Huggel, Christian; Chiarle, Marta; Geertsema, Marten

Assessment Principles for Glacier and Permafrost Hazards in Mountain Regions Book Chapter

In: Benouar, Djillali (Ed.): Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Natural Hazard Science, Oxford University Press, 2022.

Abstract | Links | Tags:

Book Sections


Carey, Mark; McDowell, Graham; Huggel, Christian; Marshall, Becca; Moulton, Holly; Portocarrero, César; Provant, Zachary; Reynolds, John M; Vicuña, Luis

A socio-cryospheric systems approach to glacier hazards, glacier runoff variability, and climate change Book Section

In: Snow and Ice-Related Hazards, Risks, and Disasters, pp. 215–257, Elsevier, 2021.

Links | Tags:


Nyfeler, Matthias; Frey, Holger; Huggel, Christian

Zukünftige Veränderungen des Wasserangebotes im Lötschental Book Section

In: Wasser Energie Luft, vol. 112(3), pp. 183–189, 2020.

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Frey, Holger; Haeberli, Wilfried

Risiken durch Gletscherseen im Klimawandel Book Section

In: Lozán, José L; Breckle, Siegmar-W; Escher-Vetter, Heidi; Graßl, Hartmut; Kasang, Dieter; Paul, Frank; Schickhoff, Udo (Ed.): Warnsignal Klima: Hochgebirge im Wandel. Hamburg: Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen, pp. 337–343, 2020.

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Stäubli, Anina; Nussbaumer, Samuel U; Allen, Simon K; Huggel, Christian; Arguello, María; Costa, Felipe; Hergarten, Christian; Martínez, Rodney; Soto, Jaime; Vargas, Ruben; Zambrano, Eduardo; Zimmermann, Markus

Analysis of Weather- and Climate-Related Disasters in Mountain Regions Using Different Disaster Databases Book Section

In: Singh, R B; Mal, S; Meadows, M E (Ed.): Climate Change, Extreme Events and Disaster Risk Reduction, pp. 17–41, Springer, Cham, 2018.

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Fluixá-Sanmart'in, Javier; Hernández, Javier Garc'ia; Huggel, Christian; Frey, Holger; Rapre, Alejo Cochachin; Alfaro, César Alfredo Gonzales; Román, Luis Meza; Chacón, Paul Andree Mas'ias

Highlights and Lessons from the Implementation of an Early Warning System for Glacier Lake Outburst Floods in Carhuaz, Peru Book Section

In: Hostettler, S; Besson, S Najih; Bolay, J-C (Ed.): Technologies for Development -- From Innovation to Social Impact, pp. 187–200, Springer, Cham, 2018.

Links | Tags:


Frey, Holger

Glacier Lake Outburst Floods Book Section

In: Richardson, Douglas; Castree, Noel; Goodchild, Michael F; Kobayashi, Audrey; Liu, Weidong; Marston, Richard A (Ed.): The International Encyclopedia of Geography, pp. 1–5, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Oxford, UK, 2017.

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Orlowsky, Boris; Andres, Norina; Salzmann, Nadine; Huggel, Christian; Jurt, Christine; Vicuña, Luis; Rohrer, Mario; Calanca, Pierluigi; Neukom, Raphael; Drenkhan, Fabian

Science in the Context of Climate Change Adaptation: Case Studies from the Peruvian Andes Book Section

In: Salzmann, Nadine; Huggel, Christian; Nussbaumer, Samuel U; Ziervogel, Gina (Ed.): Climate Change Adaptation Strategies - An Upstream-downstream Perspective, pp. 41–58, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, Cham, 2016, ISBN: 978-3-319-40771-5.

Abstract | Links | Tags:

160 entries « 3 of 4 »