Upcoming online conference on research in the Andes, 7-8 July 2020

Upcoming online conference on research in the Andes, 7-8 July 2020

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic field work, physical meetings, exchange on research and joint collaborations involving national and international research groups working in the Andes region have to be canceled during the coming months. In response to that, together with our partners from Conéctate A+, CONDESAN and the Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) we are organizing an online conference to foster exchange between different researchers and research groups working in the Andes region.

The online conference on Climate Change, Health and Mountain Ecosystems and Their Governance in Support of Sustainable Development in the Tropical Andes – Central America Region (Andes+) is planned for 7 and 8 July 2020.

Abstracts for presentations can be sent to conectatea@condesan.org until 7 June, 2020.

Check all the details here.


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